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Acupuncture is effective for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Researchers find acupuncture effective for normalizing hormone levels and improving the overall health of patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Scientific data demonstrates that acupuncture produces significant improvements in menstrual regularity, restores ovulation pattern regularity, increases pregnancy rates, regulates hormonal secretions, normalizes basal body temperature patterns, and increases embryo survival rates. Fertility enhancements provided by acupuncture...
Eine Serie von Akupunkturbehandlungen kann die Häufigkeit von Eisprüngen bei Frauen mit Polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom (PCO) erhöhen, sagt eine schwedische Studie. In einer prospektiven klinischen Studie wurden 32 Frauen mit PCO-Syndrom randomisiert um entweder Akupunktur in Kombination mit manueller und niedrigfrequenter Elektrostimulation zu erhalten, oder eine Behandlung durch einen Physiotherapeuten 2x pro Woche (das war quasi die Placebogruppe), beides über 10-13 Wochen. Die Eisprunghäufigkeit während des...
Acupuncture restores normal breast milk production to lactating mothers with low milk secretion levels. Research conducted at the Hanzhong Shanxi Hospital demonstrates that the application of a specific set of acupuncture points significantly boosts lactation quantities. In a controlled investigation of 116 women with deficient secretion of milk (hypogalactia, hypogalactorrhea), acupuncture successfully increased breast milk secretion from an average of 49.63 ml to 115.21 ml....
Acupuncture can improve sexual function in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), a small American study suggests. Fifteen premenopausal women with HSDD were included in a single-arm pilot study and underwent twice-weekly acupuncture sessions for five weeks. Point prescriptions were individualised to each patient’s TCM pattern presentation (including Kidney yang deficiency, Liver qi stagnation, Blood deficiency, Spleen yang deficiency and Heart fire). Five weeks...
Investigators from Australia and New Zealand report that acupuncture treatment can reduce menstrual pain intensity, and that its effects can still be felt one year later. A randomised controlled trial was performed with 74 women randomly assigned to one of four treatment arms: low frequency manual acupuncture (LF-MA), high frequency manual acupuncture (HF-MA), low frequency electro-acupuncture (LF-EA) and high frequency electro-acupuncture (HF-EA). A clinical manual-based...
Acupuncture, tuina, and Chinese herbal medicine are found effective for the resolution of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Zhuji No. 3 People’s Hospital researchers confirm that a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modality combining acupuncture, tuina, and acupuncture herbal plasters outperforms the drug combination of 0.9% sodium chloride, penicillin, and metronidazole for the treatment of chronic PID. Additionally, investigators confirm that acupuncture increases the effectiveness of...
ABSTRACT Introduction The incidence of vulvodynia in American women has been reported to be between 8.3% and 16%. However, there is no consistently effective standardized treatment for vulvodynia. Aim To determine the feasibility and potential effects of using a standardized acupuncture protocol for the treatment of women with vulvodynia. Main Outcome Measures The primary outcome was vulvar pain, and sexual function was the secondary outcome....
ABSTRACT Acupuncture has been demonstrated to improve menstrual frequency and to decrease circulating testosterone in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Our aim was to investigate whether acupuncture affects ovulation frequency and to understand the underlying mechanisms of any such effect by analyzing LH and sex steroid secretion in women with PCOS. This prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted between June 2009 and September...
Fifty-six primigravid women at 39 weeks or greater with a singleton gestation and Bishop score (a system for predicting whether induction of labour will be required) of less than seven were randomised to usual medical care or usual care plus three acupuncture treatments. Each treatment consisted of eight needles applied bilaterally to Hegu L.I.-4, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Shangliao BL-31 and Ciliao BL-32. Mean time from randomisation...
ABSTRACT Objectives This study was undertaken to describe under real-life conditions the effects of acupuncture on symptomatic dyspepsia during pregnancy and to compare this with a group of patients undergoing conventional treatment alone. Methods A total of 42 conventionally treated pregnant women were allocated by chance into two groups to be treated, or not, by acupuncture. They reported the severity of symptoms and the disability...
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