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Kleine Nadeln, große Wirkung: Eine Insomnie ist dann behandlungsbedürftig, wenn neben dem gestörten Nachtschlaf das Befinden am Tag stark beeinträchtigt ist. Da schlaffördernde, chemische Substanzen schnell abhängig machen können, sind Alternativen wie die Ohrakupunktur gefragt. Als Insomnie bezeichnet man Schwierigkeiten beim Einschlafen, Störungen des Durchschlafens sowie vorzeitiges Erwachen. Umfragen zufolge leiden ca. 25% der Erwachsenen an Schlafstörungen, über 10% erleben ihren Schlaf häufig oder dauerhaft...
ABSTRACT The many herbal options for patients with anxiety are discussed, focusing initially on Piper methysticum (kava) as one of the most well-researched options in this setting. The unstudied, but clinically as effective (and much more palatable), Pedicularis spp. (lousewort) are also discussed. Other nervine herbs including Lavandula angustifolia (true lavender), L. latifolia (spike or Portuguese lavender), Lavandula x intermedia (lavandin, Dutch lavender), L. stoechas...
ABSTRACT Background: Millions of people with chronic illness suffer from fatigue. Fatigue is a complex, multidimensional symptom with poorly understood causes, wide variations in severity among individuals, and negative effects on multiple domains of daily life. Many patients with fatigue report the use of herbal remedies. Ginseng is one of the most widely used because it is believed to improve energy, physical and emotional health, and...
ABSTRACT Background: Researchers have found applications for auricular therapy (AT) for treating depression. There is, however, a lack of comprehensive evaluation of AT’s effects and safety. Objective: The objective of this review was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AT for treating depression. Methods: Ten databases were used to search for randomized controlled and quasi-randomized controlled trials relating to AT and depression. Related available...
In dem systematischen Review mit Meta-Analyse von Dong et al. (2017) wurde der Effekt von Akupunktur auf die Behandlung von Schlafstörungen bei Menschen mit Depressionen anhand von 18 randomisierten, kontrollierten Studien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Akupunktur im Vergleich zu westlicher Medizin zu signifikanten Verbesserungen im Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) führte. Außerdem hatte die Kombination von Akupunktur mit westlicher Medizin im Vergleich zur alleinigen...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze the characteristics of smokers treated with acupuncture for smoking cessation in Hong Kong. METHODS: A total of 2051 subjects were recruited in a clinical pilot research project „acupuncture for smoking cessation“, which was conducted jointly by Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and Hong Kong Pok Oi Hospital from January of 2011 to December of 2013. The...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture on the quality of life in patients with depression by clinical randomized single-blind placebo-controlledstudy. METHODS: one hundred and sixty-three cases of depression according with the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into a group of acupuncture dredging liver and regulating flow of theosophy (group 1), a group of acupoint shallow stab (group 2) and a group of non-acupoint...
Wie eine dreimonatige Behandlung mit Rhodiola rosea-Extrakt das Stressempfinden, die krankheitsspezifischen Beschwerden und die psychosoziale Situation von Patienten mit stressbedingtem Burnout-Syndrom verbessern kann, zeigt eine vorläufige, explorative Studie. Jeder fünfte aller Erwerbstätigen klagt über Burnout oder durchlebt Burnout-ähnliche Phasen. Das erstmals 1974 vom amerikanischen Psychotherapeuten Herbert J. Freudenberger beschriebene Burnout-Syndrom tritt hauptsächlich als Folge einer zunehmenden Arbeitsverdichtung sowie erhöhtem Erwartungsdruck auf. Bei vielen Arbeitnehmern verursacht...
An American group has found that acupuncture can significantly and persistently reduce stress in university students and staff. Their study included 111 participants with high self-reported stress levels who either studied or worked at a large urban university. Participants were randomised into a verum or sham acupuncture group, and both groups received treatment once a week for 12 weeks. The treatment group received needling at...
Acupuncture is effective for insomnia relief. Research published by Zhejiang Chinese Medical University finds acupuncture more effective than a powerful sleep drug for improving sleep duration, quality, latency, efficiency, and daytime functioning. Acupuncture achieved a 92.9% total effective rate and the drug zopiclone achieved a 67.9% total effective rate. [1] Zopiclone is a central nervous system depressant used for helping patients fall asleep and maintaining...
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