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A Cochrane Database systematic review from China suggests that the herbal formula Sheng Mai San (SMS – Generate the Pulse Powder) may exert a positive effect on heart failure, especially when used alongside usual medical treatment. SMS consists of three herbs: Ren Shen (Ginseng Radix), Mai Men Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) and Wu Wei Zi (Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis). The authors included a total of 14 RCTs...
Diabetes-Patienten mit koronarer Herzkrankheit könnten profitieren Rotwurzel-Salbei könnte das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen senken. Besonders bereits betroffene Diabetes-Patienten würden profitieren. Die Herzen von Diabetes-Patienten sind besonders gefährdet, da ihr Risiko, eine Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung zu entwickeln, erhöht ist. Chinesische Wissenschaftler haben im Rahmen einer (vorläufigen) kontrollierten Studie Hinweise auf die herzschützenden Eigenschaften des Rotwurzel-Salbeis gefunden. Der auch als Danshen bezeichnete Rotwurzel-Salbei (Salvia miltiorrhiza) stellt eine der wichtigsten Pflanzen...
A review paper by Chinese authors has focused on the neurophysiological basis of the effects of Neiguan P-6 stimulation on cardiovascular mechanisms. The review summarises experimental studies, which show that specific brain regions and neural pathways are involved in attenuating sympathoexcitatory cardiovascular reflex responses, following acupuncture. (The influence of PC6 on cardiovascular disorders: a review of central neural mechanisms. Acupunct Med. 2012 Mar;30(1):47-50). Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk
Chinese scientists have shown that acupuncture at Shenmen HE-7 can affect cardiac autonomic neural regulation in healthy subjects. One hundred and twenty subjects were divided into four groups and received four different interventions: verum acupuncture at Shenmen HE-7; non-penetrating sham acupuncture at Shenmen HE-7; verum acupuncture at a sham point; and no acupuncture. Heart rate variability (HRV), which is a measure of the balance between...
Acupuncture at Taichong LIV-3 leads to decreases in systolic blood pressure, which can be correlated with increases in connectivity between areas of the brain related to emotional processing and blood pressure control. Researchers from China randomly divided 30 hypertensive patients into a verum acupuncture group (needled at Taichong LIV-3) and a sham acupuncture group (needled at a non-acupuncture point on the anterior thigh). Significant differences...
ABSTRACT Background: Acupuncture at specific acupoints has experimentally been found to reduce chronically elevated blood pressure. Objective: To examine effectiveness of electroacupuncture (EA) at select acupoints to reduce systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressures (DBP) in hypertensive patients. Design: Two-arm parallel study. Patients: Sixty-five hypertensive patients not receiving medication were assigned randomly to one of the two acupuncture intervention (33 versus 32 patients)....
Abstract Herbal medicines show much promise for helping patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Nao Xin Tong Nang (Brain and Heart Connected Capsule) formula with aspirin, lumbrokinase, and nattokinase are all natural anticoagulants, with varying degrees of evidence supporting their use or potential use in AF patients. The modern Chinese herbal formula Wen Xin Ke Li looks promising for maintaining sinus rhythm in paroxysmal AF patients,...
Ein erhöhter Blutdruck steigert unter anderen das Risiko, einen Herzinfarkt oder eine Herzinsuffizienz zu erleiden. Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie (2015) der University of California, des East Hospitals in Shanghai und der Southern California University of Health Sciences ergab, dass die Elektroakupunktur bewährter Akupunkturpunkte den Blutdruck zuverlässig senken kann. Zusammenfassung der Studie Die Studie wurde mit 65 Patienten durchgeführt, die unter leichtem bis mittelschwerem Bluthochdruck litten,...
A group of American researchers have found that electro-acupuncture (EA) has a significant and long-lasting blood pressure–lowering effect in hypertensive patients with chronically elevated blood pressure (BP). Sixty-five patients with mild to moderate hypertension not receiving medication were randomly assigned to one of two acupuncture interventions. They were treated once weekly for eight weeks with 30-minutes of EA at either a set of active treatment...
Abstract Introduction and objectives. This study was designed to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for arrhythmia compared to existing drug therapy. Methods. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified through searches of the MEDLINE, CNKI, Embase, and Cochrane databases (1970 through 2016) and hand searches of cross-references from original articles and reviews. Clinical trials that randomized arrhythmia patients to acupuncture therapy vs. conventional drugs,...
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