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Acupuncture has positive medical, economical and psychological effects for patients suffering from acute burns, according to clinicians working in the Czech Republic. They report retrospective data acquired over three decades from 1008 burn patients who were treated with acupuncture in a hospital surgery ward. The acupuncture points used most often were Lieque LU-7, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11 and Zusanli ST-36. Usually only one or two...
Acupuncture may be a useful adjunct to pharmacological pain management after total hip (THR) or total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. Clinicians from the US investigated data from a sample of 2,500 patients undergoing total joint replacement, who were offered elective postsurgical acupuncture (at no additional cost) as an adjunct therapy to opioids for pain management. There was an average 45% reduction in self-reported short-term pain...
Researchers find acupuncture combined with tuina massage more effective for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis than ibuprofen. Across two independent studies, researchers made several important findings. One important discovery is that acupuncture plus tuina produces superior treatment outcomes compared with oral intake of ibuprofen (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Keep reading, you may find some shocking information about ibuprofen therapy that may make you reconsider long-term...
Acupuncture alleviates fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Researchers from multiple independent investigations conclude that acupuncture is an effective treatment modality for fibromyalgia patients. One study finds acupuncture effective for enhancing the therapeutic benefits of medications and other studies find acupuncture, as a standalone therapy, more effective than medications for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Let’s take a look at each study, how they achieved clinical results, and the...
Acupuncture is more effective for treating chronic migraine and causes fewer side effects than either botox or drugs, report Iranian researchers. One hundred and fifty patients were randomly allocated to receive acupuncture, botox injections or drug therapy (sodium valproate) for three months. Subjects in the acupuncture group received thirty treatment sessions. The main acupuncture points used were Zulinqi GB-41, Fengchi GB-20, Toulinqi GB-15, Yangbai GB-14,...
ABSTRACT Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture at Kŏngzuì (孔最LU 6) for hemorrhoids. Methods Seventy six cases of hemorrhoids patients, 19 cases were diagnosed with internal hemorrhoids, 25 cases were diagnosed with external hemorrhoids, 32 cases were diagnosed with mixed hemorrhoids , they were treated with acupuncture, Kongzui (孔最LU 6) was perpendicular inserted bilaterally with a depth of 0.5-1cun, and reducing manipulation was performed....
Acupuncture is a promising therapeutic option for the management of radicular pain of discogenic origin, according to Turkish researchers. Eighty patients, referring with acute radicular pain of either either lumbar or cervical origin, were randomly assigned to receive either nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy with tenoxicam (Mobiflex) or acupuncture. In patients with cervical discopathy, acupuncture was carried out at bilateral Weizhong BL-40, Fengchi GB-20 and ashi points 0.5 cun...
Researchers conclude that acupuncture and herbal medicine provide relief for patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis characterized by inflammation of the spine, joints, tendons, or ligaments. Long-term, AS can lead to ankylosis, which is stiffening and often immobility caused by fusion of bones. Ankylosing spondylitis is categorized in Traditional Chinese Medicine in several domains: lower back pain, kyphosis, spinal...
Researchers find warm needle acupuncture effective for alleviating rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. The same investigation reveals that a modified herbal formula prescription of Juan Bi Tang is also effective. The study’s objective data also demonstrates that both approaches to patient care produce significant positive patient outcomes. Acupuncture and the herbal formula produced significant reductions in rheumatoid factors. These are substances in the bloodstream that lead to...
Distal acupuncture needling results in immediate pain reduction in patients with adhesive capsulitis (AC) and adding acupuncture to conservative therapy for the condition results in shorter recovery times. In this German randomised study, 60 volunteers with primary AC were assigned to acupuncture with press tack needles or placebo press tacks.  Thirty-four volunteers subsequently received normal acupuncture plus conservative therapy in an open follow-up clinical application,...
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