Intraoperative acupuncture results in reduced pain and earlier return to eating for children undergoing tonsillectomy, according to American researchers. Fifty-nine children were randomised to receive verum or sham acupuncture during anesthesia for tonsillectomy. Home surveys of patients revealed significant improvements in pain control in the acupuncture treatment-group post-operatively and oral intake of food also occurred significantly earlier in the acupuncture treatment group. Intraoperative acupuncture for...Weiterlesen
Swedish researchers have shown that minimal acupuncture can shorten the duration and reduce the intensity of crying in infants with colic. Ninety otherwise healthy infants (2-8 weeks old) with infantile colic were randomised to receive six acupuncture treatments over three weeks or no acupuncture. Parents were blinded to the allocation of their children. Infants allocated to acupuncture were given minimal, standardised acupuncture for two seconds...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture can reduce crying in infants with colic, according to a Swedish study. In a three-armed randomised trial, 147 infants received usual care together with either standardised minimal acupuncture (at Hegu L.I.-4), or semi-standardised individual acupuncture based on TCM (any combination of Sifeng M-UE-9, Hegu L.I.-4 and Zusanli ST-36), twice a week for two weeks. The effect of the two types of acupuncture was similar and...Weiterlesen
Stimulation of Hegu L.I.-4 can reduce pain in children during dental anaesthetic injection. Children scheduled for dental treatment using local anaesthesia received bilateral acupuncture at Hegu L.I.-4 (using intradermal needles). During the dental treatment, the patients’ parents stimulated the needles by massage. Two different treatment regimes were compared: standardised local anaesthetic (LA) injection given five minutes after acupuncture, and LA injection without acupuncture. The order...Weiterlesen
A prospective, randomised trial carried out in Denmark has found that acupuncture can reduce asthma symptoms and medication use in preschool children. The researchers randomised 122 children to either acupuncture (10 treatments) or usual care over a period of three months. Significant reductions were observed in subjective asthma symptoms and the use of inhaled steroids and beta-2 agonists in both groups at the end of...Weiterlesen
A short course of electro-acupuncture (EA) can improve specific functions in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially language comprehension and self-care ability. Fifty-five children with ASD were randomly assigned to an EA group or a sham electro-acupuncture (SEA) group. The EA group received electro-acupuncture at eight acupoints: Sishencong (M-HN-1), Yintang (M-HN-3), Neiguan P-6, Shenmen HE-7, Taichong LIV-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6 and the ear points Naodian...Weiterlesen
ABSTRACT Background: Sport-related concussion is a major concern for young athletes because a growing number of children participate in sport-related activities. Postconcussive symptoms can lead to physical, academic, and social impairment. There is no definitive treatment for sport-related postconcussive symptoms, and most available pharmacologic therapies have potential side-effects. Cases: The aim of this case report is to describe the use of acupuncture in the management...Weiterlesen
Research from the Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, found that acupuncture can be safely and successfully incorporated into paediatric pain management practice. Over a one-year period, 243 children (167 females and 76 males) mean age 14.3 years received an average of 8.4 sessions of acupuncture treatments. At the initial consultation, the chief complaints included pain in the low back,...Weiterlesen
Researchers have investigated whether acupuncture can reduce the need for antiemetic medication during chemotherapy in paediatric oncology. A multicentre crossover study carried out at five hospitals in Germany enrolled 23 children, mean age 13.6 years, who were receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy for the treatment of solid malignant tumours. Patients were randomly allocated to receive acupuncture treatment during either the second or third identical chemotherapy course...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture can complement the use of spectacles to correct anisometropic amblyopia (lazy eye) in children, according to researchers in Hong Kong. Eighty-three children with the condition were randomised to receive spectacles alone (group 1) or spectacles + acupuncture (group 2) for 15 weeks, and the two groups were then crossed over to receive the other regimen for another 15 weeks. In both groups, acupuncture treatment...Weiterlesen