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Researchers find acupuncture effective and safe for the treatment of intractable hiccups (IH). In a controlled clinical trial, a total of 60 patients were randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment group received acupuncture therapy and the control group received antitussive, anesthetic, and glucocorticoid medications. The total effective rate of the acupuncture treatment group was 93.3%. The total effective rate...
Acupuncture relieves gastritis and is more effective than the drug ranitidine, an antihistamine. Researchers from Chenzhou First People’s Hospital investigated the efficacy of acupuncture and ranitidine for the treatment of chronic gastritis, a digestive disorder characterized by inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis causes indigestion with burning pain of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bloating, hiccups, or tarry stools. The results of the investigation reveal that...
Acupuncture reduces intestinal inflammation in patients with Crohn’s disease, reverses tissue damage, and improves the quality of life. Until now, how acupuncture achieves these results has gone unanswered. Researchers sought to solve this mystery and came up with concrete answers. With the help of immunohistochemistry, researchers discovered how acupuncture works for these patients. Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea,...
Researchers find acupuncture and herbal medicine effective for the reduction of abdominal fluid retention due to liver cirrhosis. Researchers document that acupuncture combined with moxibustion and herbal medicine enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy for patients with cirrhotic ascites (CA). Patient benefits include reduced fluid retention, improved liver function, and lower relapse rates. In addition, hospitalization durations are significantly reduced. Let’s take a look at...
Researchers demonstrate that acupuncture is effective for the alleviation of GERD and associated gastrointestinal diseases. Researchers conclude that acupuncture significantly reduces instances of heartburn, acid regurgitation, chest pain, and indigestion. Additionaly, the acupuncture and electroacupuncture techniques used to achieve the positive patient outcomes are easily implemented in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Acupuncture alleviates gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Based on research, investigators conclude that acupuncture...
Now a study has shown that electrical non-needle stimulation of Neiguan P-6 can reduce the rate of LES relaxation by 40%. Fourteen healthy (no heartburn) volunteers were treated either at Neiguan P-6 or a sham point on the hip. A separate study ruled out endorphins or enkephalins as the mechanism of action of the point stimulation by giving the volunteers naloxone, which blocks the effect...
ABSTRACT Background Headaches are prevalent among Service members with traumatic brain injury (TBI); 80{44c7f096ae4a0f956ab9167e2bacde9c804851a57290d0086ec17557d44e93e0} report chronic or recurrent headache. Evidence for nonpharmacologic treatments, such as acupuncture, are needed. Objective: The aim of this research was to determine if two types of acupuncture (auricular acupuncture [AA] and traditional Chinese acupuncture [TCA]) were feasible and more effective than usual care (UC) alone for TBI–related headache. Materials and...
Researchers find triple acupuncture combined with warm needle acupuncture safe and effective for the treatment of lower back pain. In a clinical investigation, Xianning Hospital researchers tested the efficacy of acupuncture for the treatment of dorsal ramus syndrome, which is characterized by lower back pain, spasms, and radiculopathy. The results of the investigation reveal that triple acupuncture combined with warm needle acupuncture has an 80%...
Verschiedene Intensitäten einer Pulsationstherapie führten in einer Studie verglichen mit keiner Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schmerzsituation und Beweglichkeit bei Patienten mit chronischen Beschwerden im Lendenwirbelbereich. Die Dosis ist jedoch entscheidend. Schröpfen, als eines der ältesten, überwiegend in Asien verwendeten Therapieverfahren, wird zur Ausleitung von Giftstoffen aus dem Körper, hauptsächlich aber zur Behandlung von Beschwerden der Muskulatur, des Gewebes und der Gelenke verwendet. Bei der...
ABSTRACT Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is a set of changes that affects the muscles of mastication, temporomandibular joint, teeth, and associated periodontal and orofacial structures. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the imbalance of energy (Qi) circulating in the acupuncture meridians is always the primary etiologic cause of any physical manifestation. The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of Qi imbalance in patients with...
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