Patients with high blood pressure who are taking anti-hypertensive medication may benefit from adjunctive acupuncture treatment, according to a small study carried out in Turkey. Investigators studied 34 patients who had been on anti-hypertensive drug therapy for at least 24 months and who were experiencing side-effects such as fatigue, dizziness, weakness, headache, joint pain, sleeping problems, oedema and depression. The participants underwent 15 acupuncture sessions...Weiterlesen
An Italian team has found that acupuncture treatment prevents arrhythmic recurrences after cardioversion in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). They studied 80 patients who had persistent AF after sinus rhythm had been restored using electrical cardioversion. Twenty-six subjects who were already on amiodarone (an anti-arrhythmic drug) treatment constituted the AMIO reference group. The remaining patients were randomly allocated to receive acupuncture (ACU), sham acupuncture...Weiterlesen
Quelle (16 June 2017): Researchers conclude that acupuncture reduces hypertension and prevents brain damage due to chronic high blood pressure. A controlled laboratory investigation finds acupuncture effective for the regulation of blood pressure while simultaneously preventing excessive cell death in the brain. In a quantification of acupuncture’s effective mechanisms, researchers identified important biological responses elicited by acupuncture responsible for producing therapeutic benefits. The research...Weiterlesen
Quelle (21 November 2017): Researchers find acupuncture effective for the treatment of hypertension in middle-aged adults. In a groundbreaking eight week acupuncture trial, an international research team documents that acupuncture causes significant improvements in both brachial blood pressure and central aortic blood pressure in hypertensive middle-aged adults. [1] The scientific investigation was a collaboration between researchers from Larkin Community Hospital (Miami, Florida), Marymount University...Weiterlesen
Original Titel: A standardised frankincense extract reduces disease activity in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (the SABA phase IIa trial) Weihrauch kennen die meisten als Räucherwerk aus der Kirche. In verschiedenen Religionen hat Weihrauch eine sehr lange Tradition, bereits die alten Ägypter verwendeten das getrocknete Harz des Weihrauchbaums. Weniger bekannt dürfte sein, dass Weihrauch früher auch als pflanzliches Heilmittel eingesetzt wurde. War es doch eine Zeit lang...Weiterlesen
More evidence for the neural specificity of particular acupuncture points comes from a Chinese study that used fMRI to investigate the effects of acupuncture at Neiguan P-6. fMRI was performed on the brains of 36 healthy subjects while they received acupuncture at Neiguan P-6 and two control points (Daling P-7 and Guangming GB-37). Needling at Neiguan P-6 caused extensive signal decreases (deactivations) in cerebrocerebellar and...Weiterlesen
von Petra Koczy Moxibustion zur Unterstützung der körperlichen Genesung nach Schlaganfall. Synergieeffekte durch Kombination von Reha-Training mit Moxa-Therapie: Die Wirksamkeit von Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen für Schlaganfallpatienten mit spastischer Hemiplegie konnte in einer chinesischen Studie durch zusätzliches Moxen gesteigert und dadurch den Patienten mehr Eigenständigkeit und Lebensqualität gegeben werden. Schlaganfall ist weltweit die dritthäufigste Todesursache. Aber selbst wenn es nicht zum Äußersten kommt, führt die zeitweilige Unterversorgung des...Weiterlesen
Dimitrova Alexandra Medical Acupuncture. December 2017, Vol. 29, No. 6: 352-365 ABSTRACT Background: Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is defined as damage to the peripheral nervous system caused by a primary lesion or dysfunction. Multiple recent trials have suggested that acupuncture is beneficial for treating neuropathic pain. One challenge in acupuncture research is the lack of standardization of point selection, number of needles used, needle-retention time, needling...Weiterlesen
A Chinese herbal formula, ‘Ningdong granules’ (NDG), has been shown to reduce tics in children with Tourette’s syndrome. The formula, which contains the herbs Tian Ma (Rhizoma Gastrodiae), Dang Shen (Radix Codonopsis), Mai Men Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae alba), Long Gu (Fossilia Ossis Mastodi), Mu Li (Concha Ostreae), Di Long (Pheretima) and Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) has previously been used in China the treatment of children...Weiterlesen
A Chinese herbal formula has shown potential for improving working memory performance in healthy adults, an Australian pilot study has found. Sailuotong (SLT) is a standardised three-herb formula that combines specific doses of the key bioactive constituents from the concentrated extracts of Panax ginseng (ginsenosides), Ginkgo biloba (flavone-glycosides) and Crocus sativus (crocins), which has been developed to enhance cognitive and cardiovascular function. Using a randomised...Weiterlesen