Ein erhöhter Blutdruck steigert unter anderen das Risiko, einen Herzinfarkt oder eine Herzinsuffizienz zu erleiden. Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie (2015) der University of California, des East Hospitals in Shanghai und der Southern California University of Health Sciences ergab, dass die Elektroakupunktur bewährter Akupunkturpunkte den Blutdruck zuverlässig senken kann. Zusammenfassung der Studie Die Studie wurde mit 65 Patienten durchgeführt, die unter leichtem bis mittelschwerem Bluthochdruck litten,...Weiterlesen
A group of American researchers have found that electro-acupuncture (EA) has a significant and long-lasting blood pressure–lowering effect in hypertensive patients with chronically elevated blood pressure (BP). Sixty-five patients with mild to moderate hypertension not receiving medication were randomly assigned to one of two acupuncture interventions. They were treated once weekly for eight weeks with 30-minutes of EA at either a set of active treatment...Weiterlesen
Abstract Introduction and objectives. This study was designed to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for arrhythmia compared to existing drug therapy. Methods. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were identified through searches of the MEDLINE, CNKI, Embase, and Cochrane databases (1970 through 2016) and hand searches of cross-references from original articles and reviews. Clinical trials that randomized arrhythmia patients to acupuncture therapy vs. conventional drugs,...Weiterlesen
Patients with high blood pressure who are taking anti-hypertensive medication may benefit from adjunctive acupuncture treatment, according to a small study carried out in Turkey. Investigators studied 34 patients who had been on anti-hypertensive drug therapy for at least 24 months and who were experiencing side-effects such as fatigue, dizziness, weakness, headache, joint pain, sleeping problems, oedema and depression. The participants underwent 15 acupuncture sessions...Weiterlesen
An Italian team has found that acupuncture treatment prevents arrhythmic recurrences after cardioversion in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). They studied 80 patients who had persistent AF after sinus rhythm had been restored using electrical cardioversion. Twenty-six subjects who were already on amiodarone (an anti-arrhythmic drug) treatment constituted the AMIO reference group. The remaining patients were randomly allocated to receive acupuncture (ACU), sham acupuncture...Weiterlesen
Quelle (16 June 2017): http://www.healthcmi.com/ Researchers conclude that acupuncture reduces hypertension and prevents brain damage due to chronic high blood pressure. A controlled laboratory investigation finds acupuncture effective for the regulation of blood pressure while simultaneously preventing excessive cell death in the brain. In a quantification of acupuncture’s effective mechanisms, researchers identified important biological responses elicited by acupuncture responsible for producing therapeutic benefits. The research...Weiterlesen
Quelle (21 November 2017): http://www.healthcmi.com/ Researchers find acupuncture effective for the treatment of hypertension in middle-aged adults. In a groundbreaking eight week acupuncture trial, an international research team documents that acupuncture causes significant improvements in both brachial blood pressure and central aortic blood pressure in hypertensive middle-aged adults. [1] The scientific investigation was a collaboration between researchers from Larkin Community Hospital (Miami, Florida), Marymount University...Weiterlesen