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Onkologie und Supportive Cancer Care
A UK group has found acupuncture alone or in combination with morphine to be effective for the relief of breathlessness in lung cancer patients. The investigators randomised 173 patients with lung cancer and dyspnoea to an acupuncture group (A), a morphine group (M) or an acupuncture plus morphine group (AM). Acupuncture was administered at thoracic trigger points (upper sternal, paravertebral and trapezius) and Hegu L.I.-4....
Quelle (24 JULY 2015): http://www.healthcmi.com Researchers find acupuncture effective for alleviating chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) for patients with colon cancer. Neurotoxicity from chemotherapy may damage nerve fibers and lead to symptoms including pain, burning sensations, tingling, muscle weakness, balance disorders, paresthesia, dysesthesia, cold or heat sensitivity in the hands and feet, and a “glove and stocking” distribution of symptoms. The paresthesia is often experienced as...
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