Hintergrund: Die Muskelkraft der Hände ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Erfüllung der täglichen Verrichtungen. Außerdem ist sie ein wichtiger Parameter zum Erfassen der Stärke eines Menschen. Studienziel: Einschätzung der Antwort des Körpers anhand der Greifkraft der Hände bezüglich der Anwendung von Akupunktur. An der Studie hatten 73 gesunde Freiwillige, männlich und weiblich, teilgenommen. Es wurde eine Akupunkturgruppe (24 Personen), eine Sham-Akupunkturgruppe (Nadelung an anderen, möglichst...Weiterlesen
Abstract OBJECTIVES: To assess pain-management using auricular acupuncture as an adjunct to ibuprofen and paracervical block during first trimester uterine aspiration, and to assess auricular acupuncture’s effect on anxiety. STUDY DESIGN: This randomized, double-blinded, three-arm trial enrolled women undergoing uterine aspiration for spontaneous or induced abortion. Study participants were randomized 1:1:1 to receive auricular acupuncture, placebo, or usual care alone. Participants in all groups received...Weiterlesen
Traditional preparation of three herbs relieves and reduces symptoms of disease in mice and tests on humans are encouraging, study finds PUBLISHED: Sunday, 07 December, 2014, 4:47am A traditional Chinese medicine known as smart soup (聰明湯) could help in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, scientists on the mainland believe. The simple treatment helped relieve and even reverse Alzheimer’s symptoms in mice that had been genetically...Weiterlesen
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare the differences in the clinical therapeutic effects on early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in the treatment between emayaoling acupuncture technique and regular acupuncture. METHODS: A total of 110 patients of AMD were randomized into an observation group (55 cases, 73 eyes) and a control group (55 cases, 76 eyes). In the observation group, acupuncture was applied at Cuanzhu (BL 2) and Yiming (EX-HN...Weiterlesen
ABSTRACT Objective To observe the clinical effects on simple obesity treated with the combined therapy of penetration needling, flash-fire cupping method and auricular acupuncture. Methods In 90 patients of simple obesity, the Bo’s abdominal acupuncture therapy was adopted. Taking Shénquè (神阙CV 8), the points 2 cun directly below CV 8 and 2 cun directly above CV 8 as the landmarks, 3 cun bilateral to each of the above three points, and...Weiterlesen
ABSTRACT Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of acupuncture on back-shu points of five zang in treating chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Methods Sixty patients were randomized into treatment group and control group. In treatment group, the back-shu points of five zang organs were adopted for acupuncture. Shènshū (肾俞BL23) was perpendicularly needled 15 to 30 mm in depth. The rest of the selected points were inserted obliquely 15 to 30 mm in the...Weiterlesen
Abstract Auriculotherapy has been extensively used for chronic spontaneous urticaria in China. However, the evidence of its effectiveness and safety for the treatment of chronic spontaneous urticaria is insufficient. Hence, we conducted this study to compare auriculotherapy or auriculotherapy joint treatment with Western medicine for the cure of chronic spontaneous urticaria. This meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials showed that auriculotherapy or auriculotherapy joint treatment was significantly superior...Weiterlesen
Abstract Objective: Three Omega points on the human auricle were first described by Paul Nogier, MD, of France. Each Omega point theoretically represents a different embryologic tissue layer, with a correspondence to specific physical body attributes and certain emotional developments. Maurice Verdun, MD, and René J. Bourdiol, MD, developed the use of distinguishable anthropobiometric parameters and specific psychologic tests to classify a large clinical population into...Weiterlesen
Original Titel: Paeoniflorin inhibits PDGF BB induced human airway smooth muscle cell growth and migration. DGP – Nicht nur Entzündungsprozesse spielen bei Asthma eine Rolle. Es kommt auch zu einer Veränderung der Gewebe in den Atemwegen durch Umbauprozesse. Dagegen könnte vielleicht ein Wirkstoff aus einer Pfingstrosenart helfen, hoffen chinesische Forscher. Die Atemwege werden von glatter Muskulatur gebildet. Diese Muskulatur kann sich zusammenziehen und die Atemwege so verengen, was...Weiterlesen
Neue Forschungsarbeit von Prof. Michalak der Universität Witten/Herdecke gibt Hinweis auf therapeutische Ansatzpunkte Fast jeder fünfte Deutsche leidet irgendwann im Leben an einer Depression. Forschungsarbeiten in den letzten Jahren haben gezeigt, dass ein wichtiger Faktor bei Depressionen, spezifische Störungen des Gedächtnisses sind. So erinnern sich Depressive vor allem an Negatives, während Nicht-Depressive sich vor allem an positive Dinge erinnern. Außerdem haben Depressive Schwierigkeiten sich an...Weiterlesen