An observational study from Taiwan suggests that using adjuvant Chinese herbal therapy can add benefit to standard anti-tinnitus treatment. A descriptive case series compared 10 patients with chronic tinnitus who received the herbal formula Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (CHJLGMLT, ‘Bupleurum & Dragon Bone Combination’) along with standard anti-tinnitus therapy with 11 patients who received standard therapy alone. After two months of...Weiterlesen
In vivo studies have shown that anti-oxidant phytochemicals from Gou Qi Zi (Lycium barbarum fructus, aka Chinese wolfberry or goji berry) can protect eye tissues from oxidative damage. American researchers studying type-2 diabetic mice observed that wolfberry extract could protect retinal pigment epithelial cells from the oxidative stress caused by hyperglycaemia. The researchers have previously shown that goji berries contain high levels of zeaxanthin, lutein,...Weiterlesen
A sham-controlled feasibility trial has found that electro-acupuncture given concurrently with radiotherapy can significantly reduce xerostomia (dry mouth) symptoms and improved quality of life. Twenty-three patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy of the head and neck were randomised to receive verum acupuncture or sham acupuncture. Patients were treated three times per week during the course of radiotherapy. Subjective xerostomia symptom scores for the acupuncture group...Weiterlesen
Electro-acupuncture (EA) at Zusanli ST-36 can affect oesophageal motility, report Brazilian investigators. Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent an oesophageal function test using high-resolution manometry. The test was performed in three phases: basal measurements, and 20 min after acupuncture stimulation of either Zusanli ST-3, or a sham point (five centimetres medial to ST-36), in a crossover design. The results showed that both verum and sham acupuncture resulted...Weiterlesen
A study by authors from the US Air Force has shown that battlefield auricular acupuncture (BFA) can reduce throat pain and decrease need for pain medication in patients with acute sore throat. BFA is a specific auricular acupuncture technique for acute pain, which involves placing semi-permanaent needles in five specific points on the ear: Cingulate Gyrus, Thalamus, Omega 2, Point Zero and Shenmen. In a...Weiterlesen
Akupunktur hilft Glaukompatienten durch Senkung des Augendruckes und einer verbesserten Blutzirkulation hinter dem Auge nach einer Behandlung. In der ersten Studie dieser Art haben japanische Forscher elf Patienten mit Offenwinkelglaukom behandelt und die Hämodynamik im Auge vor, während und nach Akupunktur oder nur Ruhephase untersucht. Die Akupunktur wurde einmalig für 15 min. durchgeführt, ohne Nadelmanipulation, bilateral an den Punkten Blase 2, Taiyang, Magen 2, Magen...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture that elicits the sensation of deqi can improve facial muscle recovery, disability and quality of life for patients with Bell’s palsy. In a randomised controlled trial, Chinese researchers compared the efficacy of weak versus strong acupuncture stimulation in a group of 338 patients presenting with unilateral facial-nerve weakness within 168 hours of symptom onset. Patients were randomly assigned to a deqi or control group....Weiterlesen
Acupuncture out-performs artificial tears in the treatment of dry eye syndrome, according to South Korean researchers. The team enrolled 150 patients with moderate to severe dry eye in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. Participants were randomly allocated to receive either acupuncture treatment (at Zanzhu BL-2, Yangbai GB-14, Sizhukong SJ-23, Chengqi ST-1, Fengchi GB-20, Hegu L.I.-4, Quchi L.I.-11, Yintang N-HN-3 and Shangxing DU-23), or to an...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture may be effective at reducing symptom intensity in people suffering from burning mouth syndrome (BMS). In a preliminary single-arm trial carried out in Brazil, eight patients received 11 weekly treatments with acupuncture. Body acupoints were chosen for their effect on TCM patterns related to BMS (tonifying Kidney, clearing heat from the Blood, regulating qi and Blood, eliminating Liver fire and regulating the Spleen and...Weiterlesen
Intraoperative acupuncture results in reduced pain and earlier return to eating for children undergoing tonsillectomy, according to American researchers. Fifty-nine children were randomised to receive verum or sham acupuncture during anesthesia for tonsillectomy. Home surveys of patients revealed significant improvements in pain control in the acupuncture treatment-group post-operatively and oral intake of food also occurred significantly earlier in the acupuncture treatment group. Intraoperative acupuncture for...Weiterlesen