Wirksamkeit der Ohrakupressur auf die Lungenfunktion bei chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung: Eine Metaanalyse randomisierter kontrollierter Studien Abstract Objectives To systematically evaluate the efficacy of auricular acupressure on lung function, sleep quality and quality of life in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Background Auricular acupressure has been increasingly used in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients, such as lung function and sleep quality, but the efficacy has not...Weiterlesen
Auswirkung von Akupunktur in Kombination mit Ohrsamen auf die Funktion des autonomen Nervensystems, die Herzfrequenzvariabilität und den psychischen Zustand von Migränepatienten Abstract Objective To analyze the effects of acupuncture combined with auricular bean embedding on autonomic nervous dysfunction, heart rate variability and psychological state of migraine patients. Method Sixty migraine patients admitted to our hospital from August 2022 to June 2023 were selected for...Weiterlesen
Auswirkungen der manuellen Akupunktur im Vergleich zur Scheinakupunktur bei Patienten mit Depressionen nach Schlaganfall: Eine randomisierte klinische Studie Abstract Background Post-stroke depression (PSD) is a prevalent psychiatric complication in stroke patients, severely reducing quality of life and delaying social recovery in stroke survivors. Clinical studies have shown that acupuncture can be used as an alternative approach for PSD. The aim of this study was to...Weiterlesen
Dauer-Körpernadelakupunktur in Kombination mit Patienten-kontrollierter intravenöser Analgesie (PCIA) zur Verbesserung der Genesung von Patientinnen nach laparoskopischer Myomektomie: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie Abstract Background Pain and gastrointestinal dysfunction after laparoscopic myomectomy (LM) are significant issues that prevent this procedure from being classified as a “Day Surgery.” This study aims to assess the effectiveness and safety of thumbtack needle acupuncture (TNA) combined with patient-controlled intravenous analgesia (PCIA)...Weiterlesen
Akupunkturgestützte Lebensstilintervention verbessert den Stoffwechselstatus und die spontane Gehirnaktivität von Patienten mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2: eine randomisierte klinische Studie Abstract Background Aggressive weight management in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus has demonstrated numerous metabolic advantages, however, existing therapies for weight control have not reached satisfactory results. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture in the weight management of type...Weiterlesen
Offene randomisierte klinische Studie zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen von präoperativer Akupunktur bei Patienten mit starken Angstzuständen vor einer Knie- oder Hüftendoprothetik Abstract Background Preoperative state anxiety is a known predisposing factor for enhanced postoperative pain and hindered recovery following total knee or hip replacement. Acupuncture administered preoperatively has been associated with reduced anxiety in surgical studies, yet evidence of its efficacy in the orthopedic surgical...Weiterlesen
Die veränderte funktionelle Konnektivität des hypothalamischen Netzwerks bei chronischer Schlaflosigkeit und die regulierende Wirkung der Akupunktur: eine randomisierte kontrollierte bildgebende Studie Abstract Background The hypothalamus has been recognized as a core structure in the sleep-wake cycle. However, whether the neuroplasticity of the hypothalamus is involved in the acupuncture treatment of insomnia remains elusive. Methods We recruited 42 patients with chronic insomnia disorder (CID) and 23...Weiterlesen
Wirkung des intermittierenden Katheterismus in Kombination mit Akupunktur bei der Behandlung von Harnverhalt nach einer Rückenmarksverletzung: Eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie Abstract Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of combining intermittent catheterization with acupuncture in treating urinary retention following spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods Sixty-six patients were randomly assigned to either an observation group or a control group, with 33 patients in each. All underwent personalized intermittent...Weiterlesen
Abstract Background and aim Nocturnal enuresis (NE) is prevalent in children and adolescents and affects their social life later. Therefore, the objective of this study was to ascertain laser acupuncture (LA) therapy’s effect on NE in adolescent females. Methods Sixty adolescent females diagnosed with chronic monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis (MNE) were randomly divided into two equal groups: The intervention group (received LA and desmopressin) and the...Weiterlesen
Abstract Background Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) on oxidative stress induced by one-lung ventilation, lung function, and postoperative quality of recovery in patients with lung cancer Methods The participants (n = 80) were assigned to the sham group and TEAS group. TEAS on bilateral Feishu (BL13), Zusanli (ST36), and Hegu (L14) was performed 30 minutes before induction...Weiterlesen