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A case series study of 913 infants, carrided out in Sweden has shown that minimal acupuncture at Hegu L.I.-4 is an effective and easy treatment for infantile colic. The infants (mean age 5.4 weeks) had displayed colic symptoms since two weeks after birth. Light needle stimulation of Hegu L.I.-4 was performed for 10-20 seconds bilaterally on a daily basis for a mean of 6.2 consecutive...
A Chinese herbal formula, ‘Ningdong granules’ (NDG), has been shown to reduce tics in children with Tourette’s syndrome. The formula, which contains the herbs Tian Ma (Rhizoma Gastrodiae), Dang Shen (Radix Codonopsis), Mai Men Dong (Radix Ophiopogonis) Bai Shao (Radix Paeoniae alba), Long Gu (Fossilia Ossis Mastodi), Mu Li (Concha Ostreae), Di Long (Pheretima) and Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) has previously been used in China...
Im Vergleich mit einer psychologischen Behandlung erwies sich der Therapieansatz der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin zur Regulation der Impulskontrollstörung bei internetsüchtigen jungen Erwachsenen als effektivere Maßnahme. Die zunehmende Digitalisierung in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat unser Leben in vielerlei Hinsicht verändert. Ein negativer Aspekt ist das Phänomen der Internet-Abhängigkeit, das sich in einem exzessiven Online-Verhalten insbesondere jüngerer Menschen äußert und zu Symptomen wie mentalen Störungen, Herzrasen, Vergesslichkeit,...
Electrical stimulation of Shenmen HE-7 during surgery can prevent agitation in paediatric patients recovering from general anaesthesia, report Japanese clinicians. Emergence agitation, in which children experience a variety of behavioural disturbances, including crying, thrashing and disorientation, is common in children recovering from anaesthesia. One hundred and twenty infants aged 18 to 96 months, who were undergoing minor elective surgery under general anaesthesia, were randomly assigned...
Background. Nocturnal enuresis (NE) is recognized as a widespread health problem in young children and adolescents. Clinical researches about acupuncture therapy for nocturnal enuresis are increasing, while systematic reviews assessing the efficacy of acupuncture therapy are still lacking. Objective. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy for nocturnal enuresis. Materials and Methods. A comprehensive literature search of 8 databases was performed up...
Auricular acupuncture (AA) may be useful in the treatment of paediatric migraines in the emergency department (ED), according to preliminary research from the USA. In a prospective cohort study, 19 paediatric patients presenting with active migraines received a single AA treatment using semi-permanent needles inserted at a maximum of three acupoints located according to electrical resistance or pressure along two auricular migraine lines. Fifteen minutes...
Kinder mit Asthma profitieren von ergänzender Low-Level-Lasertherapie. Der Einsatz von Kortikoiden kann reduziert werden. Asthma ist eine der häufigsten chronischen Erkrankungen bei Kindern. Bedingt durch verschiedenartige Reize, wie z.B. Allergene, (Passiv-)Rauchen oder auch psychische Faktoren, kommt es zu einer Verengung der Bronchien verbunden mit pfeifenden Atemgeräuschen, Husten und Atemnot. Ein Anfall kann von einigen Stunden bis zu mehreren Tagen andauern und wirkt beängstigend und belastend...
ABSTRACT Autism is considered as a complex developmental disability that appears during the first two years of life. It is considered as a neurological disorder that affects brain function leading to impaired development in social interaction and communication skills. Some clinical trials demonstrated that certain acupuncture points play relatively significant role in improving both signs and symptoms of this disease. Owing to limited information available...
Stimulation of the Neiguan P-6 acupuncture point is an effective adjunctive treatment for post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in children undergoing adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial carried out in Norway enrolled 154 children who were undergoing day-surgery. The intervention group received acupuncture at Neiguan P-6 bilaterally for a median of 21 minutes during anaesthesia, followed by acupressure wristbands for 24 hours, alongside...
American clinicians have carried out a nonrandomised pilot study to determine the feasibility of acupuncture for acute postoperative pain control in hospitalised children. 20 patients (aged 7 months to 18 years) who had undergone a variety of surgical interventions received two 10 to 15-minute sessions of acupuncture 24-48 hours apart. The treatment was found to be highly acceptable (of 27 patients approached, four refused, and...
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