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Gehirn und Nervensystem
14 March 2018 Researchers find acupuncture effective for the treatment of Bell’s Palsy—a type of facial paralysis. In one independent investigation, electroacupuncture produced optimal results. In another investigation, warm needle acupuncture combined with vitamin and drug injections produced excellent results. Let’s take a look at the results after a brief introduction. In an online acupuncture continuing education course at HealthCMi it is noted, “Bell’s Palsy...
Using fMRI, Chinese researchers have shown that the organisation of functional brain networks is altered after acupuncture and that these alterations exhibit point specificity. Eighteen healthy young adults were scanned before and after acupuncture at Zusanli ST-36 and a sham point. They found that, while functional brain networks showed increased local efficiency after acupuncture, there were no significant differences after sham, indicating that true acupuncture...
Quelle (24 JULY 2015): http://www.healthcmi.com Researchers find acupuncture effective for alleviating chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) for patients with colon cancer. Neurotoxicity from chemotherapy may damage nerve fibers and lead to symptoms including pain, burning sensations, tingling, muscle weakness, balance disorders, paresthesia, dysesthesia, cold or heat sensitivity in the hands and feet, and a “glove and stocking” distribution of symptoms. The paresthesia is often experienced as...
The clinical efficacy of  ‘5-Ling Granule’ (5-LGr), a proprietary herbal formula, is comparable to that of the drug tiapride (a selective dopamine D2-receptor antagonist) for reducing tics in children with Tourette’s syndrome. In a multi-centre trial, Chinese investigators randomised 603 patients with TS to treatment with placebo, tiapride or 5-LGr for eight weeks. While all patients experienced a reduction in tics over time, 5-LGr and...
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