Abstract Background Propranolol is recommended as first-line treatment for preventing migraine attacks; acupuncture has not been compared with propranolol in a head-to-head trial. Objective To compare acupuncture with propranolol using indirect treatment comparison meta-analysis. Method We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). Randomized controlled trials comparing acupuncture or propranolol with sham acupuncture, placebo, waiting-list control or usual care were included. We...Weiterlesen
Abstract Objectives This prospective cohort study explored whether two distinguished sensory parameters predicted acupuncture effects in chronic pain patients; namely high temporal summation of pain (TS) indicating spinal synaptic facilitation as well as a low vibration detection threshold (VDT) indicating a loss of Aβ-fiber function. Methods Pinprick induced TS and VDT were assessed by standardized, validated methods at the most painful body site and a...Weiterlesen
Abstract Objective To identify empirical evidence on the effectiveness of Tai Chi in treating fibromyalgia (FM). Method We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to compare the effectiveness of Tai Chi and standard care or conventional therapeutic exercise in patients with FM. PubMed, Medline, and Physiotherapy Evidence Database were searched for relevant studies published before May 2019. Treatment effectiveness was...Weiterlesen
Abstract BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by pain, functional disability, poor quality of life (QoL), high socioeconomic impact, and annual costs of over $56 billion in the United States. Acupuncture (AC) is widely in use; however, studies show severe methodological shortcomings, did not consider the functional diagnosis for the allocation of acupoints and their results showed no differences between verum and control groups. OBJECTIVE:...Weiterlesen
Abstract Cancer pain is one of most prevalent symptoms in patients with cancer. Acupuncture and related techniques have been suggested for the management of cancer pain. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN®) guidelines for adult cancer pain recommends acupuncture, as one of integrative interventions, in conjunction with pharmacologic intervention as needed. This review presents the latest available evidence regarding the use of acupuncture for cancer...Weiterlesen
Abstract OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess analgesia provided by acupuncture, alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy, to patients presenting to emergency departments with acute low back pain, migraine or ankle sprain. DESIGN: A pragmatic, multicentre, randomised, assessor-blinded, equivalence and non-inferiority trial of analgesia, comparing acupuncture alone, acupuncture plus pharmacotherapy, and pharmacotherapy alone for alleviating pain in the emergency department. Setting, participants: Patients presenting to...Weiterlesen
Abstract Background Although acupuncture is widely used for chronic pain, there remains considerable controversy as to its value. We aimed to determine the effect size of acupuncture for 4 chronic pain conditions: back and neck pain, osteoarthritis, chronic headache, and shoulder pain. Methods We conducted a systematic review to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of acupuncture for chronic pain in which allocation concealment was determined...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture reduces the time to discharge following anaesthesia and gynaecological laparoscopy, reports a research team based in Switzerland and Germany. A randomised trial involving 75 women evaluated the effects of acupuncture combined with a standardised anaesthetic regimen compared to either acupressure, or standard anaesthesia alone. At the time of the pre-anaesthetic visit, 12–24 hours prior to surgery, patients in the intervention groups received a standardised treatment...Weiterlesen
Abstract Introduction Low back pain (LBP) is a globally prevalent disorder with high social significance. Invasive surgical procedures are increasingly being used to treat LBP despite a lack of solid evidence supporting their long-term benefits. This nationwide retrospective cohort study investigated the association between acupuncture treatment and lumbar surgery rate in patients with LBP. Methods Using the National Health Insurance Service Sample Cohort Database for...Weiterlesen
Hintergrund: Die Muskelkraft der Hände ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Erfüllung der täglichen Verrichtungen. Außerdem ist sie ein wichtiger Parameter zum Erfassen der Stärke eines Menschen. Studienziel: Einschätzung der Antwort des Körpers anhand der Greifkraft der Hände bezüglich der Anwendung von Akupunktur. An der Studie hatten 73 gesunde Freiwillige, männlich und weiblich, teilgenommen. Es wurde eine Akupunkturgruppe (24 Personen), eine Sham-Akupunkturgruppe (Nadelung an anderen, möglichst...Weiterlesen