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Schmerz und Bewegungsapparat
Die Elektroakupunktur ist eine Abwandlung der ’normalen‘ Akupunktur, bei der über die Nadeln noch zusätzlich schwache Ströme zur Anwendung kommen. Eine Studie untersucht, ob diese Behandlung die Schmerzen von älteren Menschen mit Arthrose lindern kann. Mit zunehmendem Alter entstehen bei vielen Menschen arthrotische Veränderungen in den Gelenken, die schmerzen und die Bewegung einschränken. Zur Schmerzreduktion werden zahlreiche konventionelle und komplementärmedizinische Behandlungen angewendet. Eine aktuelle Beobachtungsstudie...
ABSTRACT Current treatment for calcific tendonitis consists of arm rest, antiinflammatory medications, and corticosteroid injections. If unsuccessful, a lot of clinicians suggest several physiotherapy modalities, such as shockwave therapy and electrotherapy. The purpose of our study was to assess the efficacy of electroacupuncture, as a substitute for failed medical treatment in calcific tendonitis. In a pilot study, we prospectively followed 10 patients treated with electroacupuncture for calcific tendonitis who failed to...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical efficacy of bloodletting therapy and acupuncture at Jiaji points for treating upper back myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), and compare this with lidocaine blocktherapy. METHODS A total of 66 upper back MPS patients were randomly assigned to either the treatment group or the control group in a 1∶1 ratio.The treatment group (n= 33) were treated with bloodletting therapy at local...
A study which compared auricular press needles inserted at specific points for hip pain (hip joint, lung, Shenmen, thalamus) with similar needles inserted in auricular non-points, in 61 patients one day before and for three days after total hip arthroplasty surgery, found that the true points group used 32% less analgesics than the non-point group. (Pain 2005; 114: 320-7). Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk
ABSTRACT Objective Ear acupuncture might be the form of acupuncture best suited to improving acute pain management in the emergency department (ED). The primary aim of this review was to assess the analgesic efficacy of ear acupuncture in the ED. Secondary outcomes included measures of patient satisfaction, adverse effects, cost, administration techniques, and reduction of medication usage. Methods Seven databases and Google Scholar were searched...
ABSTRACT Objective To observe the efficacy of I-shaped acupuncture therapy for treatment of cervical spondylosis. Methods I-shaped acupuncture therapy (penetration needling from Fēngchí (GB 20) to Fēngfû (GV 16), under the C3–C6 spinous process, Dàzhuī (GV 14), Jiānzhōngshù (SI 15), Jiānwàishù (SI 14), and I-shaped acupoint selection way) was adopted for treatment of 80 cases of cervical spondylosis, needling manipulation was conducted for once every...
Caffeine can inhibit the analgesic effect of acupuncture, according to animal studies carried out in Brazil. Mice subjected to plantar incision surgery were treated with both manual acupuncture and electro-acupuncture at the acupoint Sanyinjiao SP-6 after administration of acute or chronic doses of caffeine. Researchers found that acute pre-administration of caffeine completely reversed acupuncture-induced analgesia (AA) for both types of acupuncture. The investigators also used...
An update of the landmark 2012 study by the international Acupuncture Trialists‘ Collaboration reinforces the evidence that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain and that its benefits cannot be explained solely in terms of placebo effects. The new individual patient data meta-analysis analysed data from an additional 13 trials, giving a total data set of 20,827 patients from 39 trials. Acupuncture...
ABSTRACT Background Since 2001, Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA), an auricular acupuncture protocol, has been used to treat members of the U.S. Military who have acute and chronic pain conditions. One of the many pain issues treated is the pain associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI), which may manifest anywhere in the body. Case A 65-year old man with a 6-year history of severe TBI was treated...
ABSTRACT A wide range of herbs for pain conditions are discussed, with detailed information on their safe clinical application. Aconitum spp. (aconite, fuzı) and a formula featuring it, Gosha-jinki-gan (Niu ´ Che She`nQı`Wa´n), are particularly good examples of powerful analgesics that are far too little used in North American prescribing. The global use of various species of aconite is particularly compelling. However, this herb should...
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