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Akupunktur in der Behandlung der männlichen Unfruchtbarkeit: Ein Überblick Abstract In recent years, there has been a global decline in the quality of human semen, leading to a gradual increase in the incidence of infertility, which significantly impacts men’s health. Due to the complex etiology of male infertility, clinical treatment is predominantly confined to drugs, surgery, and assisted reproductive technology. However, the efficacy of these...
Lebensveränderung bei der Behandlung von Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen durch Akupunktur: Ein Fallbericht Abstract Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and narrow interests. Given the high prevalence of ASD and the lack of specific pharmacological treatments, there is a pressing need for alternative therapeutic approaches. Acupuncture has shown promise in improving the clinical symptoms of ASD....
Laser- versus Nadelakupunktur bei der Behandlung von nächtlicher Enuresis bei Kindern: Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie Abstract Nocturnal enuresis is commonly described as a multifactorial pathophysiological case scenario with a high genetic background as regards immaturity of the central nervous system controlling the detrousor muscle activity. Objective This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of laser and needle acupuncture as complementary modalities for treatment of...
Untersuchung der Behandlung von Tinnitus durch Akupunktur in Kombination mit Medizin unter dem Aspekt der Pathophysiologie: Ein Überblick Abstract Tinnitus is a common medical disorder. The risk factors include hearing loss, ototoxic medications, head injuries, and depression. Therefore, ear disorders, anxiety, and depression should be considered in the treatment of tinnitus. Although considerable research has been conducted on the pathogenesis and treatment of tinnitus, there...
Auswirkung von Akupunktur auf die Proteomik der Tränen bei Patienten mit trockenem Auge aufgrund von Bildschirmgeräten Abstract Acupuncture is widely used to treat dry eye disease (DED),but its effect has not been reported in treating video display terminal(VDT)-related dry eye, and the mechanism of acupuncture on VDT-related dry eye is also unknown. In our study, the tear proteome wascompared with identifying possible mechanisms and biomarkers...
Fallbericht: Behandlung von Henloch-Schönlein Purpura mit Akupunktur und chinesischer Kräutermedizin Abstract Henoch-Schönlein purpura, also known as IgA vasculitis, is an autoimmune inflammatory disorder of the blood vessels. It normally occurs in younger children but in adults it can present with complications such as kidney damage or bowel obstruction. This is a single-case report of a 56-year-old female diagnosed with Henoch-Schönlein purpura, presenting with purpura, polyarthralgia,...
Wirksamkeit der Akupunkturtherapie zur Verbesserung von Nasolabialfalten und Marionettenfalten: Eine retrospektive Studie Abstract Background and Aims The preference of beauty seekers for noninvasive, convenient, and long-lasting effective facial cosmetic techniques with minimal downtime and recovery time is obvious nowadays. As a part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture has great advantages in solving these problems. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of two distinct acupuncture...
Neue Einblicke in die Mechanismen der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin bei allergischer Rhinitis durch die Regulierung von Entzündungs- und oxidativen Stresswegen Abstract Allergy rhinitis (AR) is becoming more common and has serious medical and societal consequences. Sneezing, paroxysmal nasal blockage, nasal itching, mucosal edema, coughing, and rhinorrhea are symptoms of this type I allergic immunological illness. Immunoglobulin E-mediated inflammation is the cause of it. Because AR...
Erforschung des Signalwegs und des damit zusammenhängenden Mechanismus der Intervention der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin bei chronischer Gastritis im Rahmen der „Entzündung-Krebs-Transformation“ Abstract Objective The aim of this study is to uncover the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments for chronic gastritis and their potential targets and pathways involved in the “inflammation-cancer” conversion in four stages. These findings can provide further support for future research into TCM...
Aurikuläre Akupunktur vor der Menstruation kann die primäre Dysmenorrhoe reduzieren: Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie Abstract Objective Primary dysmenorrhea is a common condition that impacts quality of life significantly. Auricular therapies have shown promise for treating primary dysmenorrhea, but there is a lack of evidence specifically for auricular acupuncture (AA). This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of AA for managing primary dysmenorrhea. Materials and Methods...
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