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A clinical trial ofacupuncture about time-varying treatment and points selection in primary dysmenorrhea


To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of acupuncture at single point Shiqizhui (EX-B8) and multi-points in time-varying treatment for primary dysmenorrhea.

600 patients with primary dysmenorrhea were randomly assigned to the single point group (n=200) including group A (treating before the menstruation, n=100) and group B (immediately treating as soon as pain occurrence, n=100), the multi-points group (n=200) including group C (treating before the menstruation, n=100) and group D (immediately treating as soon as pain occurrence, n=100), or the control group, group E (n=200, no treatment). The therapeutic effects were analyzed after treatment for three menstrual cycles and interviewed for three follow-up periods.

Acupuncture could effectively relieve menstrual pain for primary dysmenorrhea compared with the control group (P<0.05, P<0.01). Immediate pain relief occurred following acupuncture within 5 min in group B (P<0.01) and group D (P<0.01), and the two groups obviously relieved menstrual pain for VAS scores. Both group A and group C obviously relieved menstrual pain (P<0.01), and group C was better than group A (P<0.05). Compared with group D, Group C was much better for CMSS scores in cycle 1.

Treating before the menstruation is better than immediately treating as soon as pain occurrence at the improvement in symptoms of dysmenorrheal at multi-points. And single point is better than multi-points when immediately treating as soon as pain occurrence. The present trial suggest Shiqizhui (EX-B8) should be chosen as a convenient point.

Autor: Yu-Xia Ma, Xiao-Na Ye, Cun-Zhi Liu, Pei-Yun Cai, Zhao-Feng Li, Dong-Qing Du, Gang Guo, Shao-Zong Chen, Ji-Ping Zhao, Jing-Jun Liu, Hua-Qiang Yi, Shu-Zhong Gao

Published in: J Ethnopharmacol. 2013 Jul 9;148(2):498-504. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.04.045. Epub 2013 May 15.

Quelle: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378874113003243?via%3Dihub

Kommentar: Extrapunkt Shiqizhui, MP6, MP 8, Bl 32

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