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Acupuncture improves depressed mood and sleep quality

A team of Chinese investigators has found that acupuncture can improve mood and sleep quality in patients with depression. One hundred and forty subjects with clinical insomnia were randomised to one of two acupuncture protocols; standard (Hegu LIV-3, Yintang M-HN-3 and Baihui DU-20) or augmented (adding Lieque LU-7 and KID-6 with intradermal needles for sustained treatment). Participants received two sessions weekly for six weeks, with follow-up at ten weeks. Better sleep and depression scores were observed in the augmented protocol group compared with standard acupuncture at all time points measured.

Randomized single-blind multicenter trial comparing the effects of standard and augmented acupuncture protocols on sleep quality and depressive symptoms in patients with depression. Psychol Health Med. 2017 Sep 12:1-16.

Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk