Chinese investigators have concluded that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for obesity, based on a systematic review of 21 studies with 1389 participants. When compared with sham acupuncture, significant reductions in BMI, weight, body fat mass and total cholesterol were found. When compared with no treatment, they found significant reductions of BMI, waist-to-hip ratio, total cholesterol and triglycerides were found. When compared with diet...Weiterlesen
Moxibustion may be an effective treatment for overactive bladder, according to Korean researchers. In a pilot randomised cross-over study, 28 participants were randomly allotted to either moxibustion (8-12 sessions of indirect moxibustion at Qihai REN-6, Taichong LIV-3 and Sanyinjiao SP-6) plus behavioural training, or behavioral training only, over four weeks. Group allocation was reversed over the following four weeks. Significant and clinically meaningful changes in...Weiterlesen
The Italian authors of a Cochrane Database systematic review have found that acupuncture is the most effective non-pharmacological treatment for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). They examined 38 studies of 3290 men with CP/CPPS, which made 23 comparisons between different treatments involving use of devices, lifestyle changes, or some form of physical therapy. Based on three studies with 204 participants, acupuncture was observed to...Weiterlesen
Abstract Objective To investigate the efficacy of a standardised brief acupuncture approach for women with moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms. Design Randomised and controlled, with 1:1 allocation to the intervention group or the control group. The assessor and the statistician were blinded. Setting Nine Danish primary care practices. Participants 70 women with moderate-to-severe menopausal symptoms and nine general practitioners with accredited education in acupuncture. Intervention The acupuncture...Weiterlesen
Eine Kurzakupunktur hat in einer pragmatischen randomisierten klimakterische Beschwerden gelindert. Die meisten Frauen Anfang 50 leiden über mehrere Jahre unter Wechseljahresbeschwerden, die die Lebensqualität beeinträchtigen können. Seit bekannt ist, dass die Hormontherapie – über viele Jahre die bevorzugte Behandlung – das Risiko auf Brustkrebs und Thromboembolien erhöht, suchen viele Betroffene nach Alternativen. Dazu gehört auch die chinesische Heilmethode der Akupunktur, die mittlerweile in europäischen Varianten...Weiterlesen
Abstract Introduction Low back pain (LBP) is a globally prevalent disorder with high social significance. Invasive surgical procedures are increasingly being used to treat LBP despite a lack of solid evidence supporting their long-term benefits. This nationwide retrospective cohort study investigated the association between acupuncture treatment and lumbar surgery rate in patients with LBP. Methods Using the National Health Insurance Service Sample Cohort Database for...Weiterlesen
February 2019 Here are some interesting statistics on the growth of acupuncture research over the past decade. The number of acupuncture trials included in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled trials has grown from 2,015 in February 2009 to 11,923 on 1st February 2019. In the past year from February 2018 to today, 1,884 new studies have been added.Weiterlesen
KEY MESSAGE Acupuncture may be effective when compared to no adjunctive treatment with increasing clinical pregnancies and live births, but is not an efficacious treatment when compared with sham controls. ABSTRACT This was a systematic review and meta-analysis to examine the efficacy, effectiveness and safety of acupuncture as an adjunct to embryo transfer compared with controls to improve reproductive outcomes. The primary outcome was clinical...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture applied at term may be effective in reducing the rate of labour induction performed for post-dates pregnancy, according to Italian researchers. Three-hundred and seventy five women at 40 weeks gestation received either acupuncture or routine care. Acupuncture (Hegu L.I.-4, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Zusanli ST-36, Taichong LIV-3, Zhiyin BL-67, Jianjing GB-21, Fengshi GB-31) was applied every other day from 40 weeks plus two days up to...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture provides additional benefit in dry eye treatment compared with artificial tears, and is associated with evidence of reduced inflammation. One hundred and fifty participants were treated with artificial tears alone, with eight added sessions of acupuncture, or with additional daily oral herbal medicine (Qi Ju Gan Lu Yin, Lycium Derry and Chrysanthemum Beverage) over a one-month period. The acupuncture points used consisted of five...Weiterlesen