Transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation (TEAS) may help improve IVF outcomes, according to a study by Chinese and British researchers. Four hundred and eighty-one infertile patients with bilateral tubal blockage who were referred for IVF were randomised into four groups; a TEAS-2Hz group, a TEAS-100Hz group, a TEAS-2/100Hz group and a control group who received routine IVF treatment only. TEAS (which uses self-adhesive electrodes instead of...Weiterlesen
ABSTRACT Objective To compare the clinical efficacy between electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion and western medicine for treatment of premature ovarian failure. Methods Eighty patients were randomly divided into an electroacupuncture combined with heat-sensitive moxibustion group (group A, n=40) and a western medicine group (group B, n=40). Zîgōng (EX-CA 1), Xuèhâi (SP 10), Gānshū (BL 18) and Shènshū (BL 23) were selected in group A,...Weiterlesen
Wiederholte Fehlgeburten werden definiert als zwei, drei oder mehr aufeinander folgende spontane Fehlgeburten in der Frühschwangerschaft und betreffen eine kleine Anzahl (1 bis 3 %) von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter. Viele Schwangere erkennen eine Fehlgeburt möglicherweise nicht, bis Gebärmutterblutungen und Krämpfe nach der 10. Schwangerschaftswoche auftreten. Nach der ersten Fehlgeburt besteht ein Risiko für wiederholte Fehlgeburten und die Chancen auf eine erfolgreiche Schwangerschaft variieren. Gelegentlich liegen...Weiterlesen
Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) is nearly twice as effective as Western medicine (WM) in the treatment of female infertility (60% successful pregnancy rates compared to 33%) according to a meta-analysis of 40 randomised controlled trials and meta-analyses. The trials included women with PCOS, endometriosis, anovulation, fallopian tube blockage, or unexplained infertility. Not only were pregnancy rates improved, but fertility indicators such as ovulation rates, cervical...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture is effective for the treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Researchers find acupuncture effective for normalizing hormone levels and improving the overall health of patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Scientific data demonstrates that acupuncture produces significant improvements in menstrual regularity, restores ovulation pattern regularity, increases pregnancy rates, regulates hormonal secretions, normalizes basal body temperature patterns, and increases embryo survival rates. Fertility enhancements provided by acupuncture...Weiterlesen
Acupuncture boosts the efficaciousness of fertility treatments. Three independent studies confirm that acupuncture increases positive patient outcome rates. Two studies find acupuncture effective for increasing the the efficacy of clomifene for the treatment of infertility due to ovulatory dysfunction. Another study finds acupuncture effective for reducing the adverse effects caused by bromocriptine treatments for hyperprolactinemia related infertility. The study also confirms that acupuncture balances hormone...Weiterlesen
A study of the effect of acupuncture on sperm quality in men suffering infertility of unknown cause, found that after twice weekly treatment for five weeks, there were fewer structural sperm defects (acrosome position and shape, nuclear shape, axonemal pattern and shape, and accessory fibres of sperm organelles) and an increase in the number of normal sperm ejaculated. Other sperm abnormalities such as immature or...Weiterlesen
Controlled studies find acupuncture effective for the treatment of premature ovarian failure (primary ovarian insufficiency). This condition is characterized by the loss of normal ovarian function prior to the age of 40. The average age of onset is 27. Research measures the efficacy of acupuncture in the regulation of hormone levels, reduction of anxiety and other forms of mental stress, and the ability of acupuncture...Weiterlesen
In this first prospective, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study, 28 infertile patients with severe oligoasthenozoospermia received acupuncture according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and 29 infertile patients received placebo acupuncture. A significantly higher percentage of motile sperm (World Health Organization categories A–C), but no effect on sperm concentration, was found after acupuncture compared with placebo acupuncture Method: This acupuncture trial was in accordance...Weiterlesen
The TCM treatment of male immune-related infertility The authors report excellent results in their treatment of male immune-related infertility. Two hundred cases of male infertiity were randomly divided into two equal groups, one of which received prednisone (control) and the other Chinese herbs (treatment). In both groups the duration of the disease was from two to six years and the average age was 28.75 years....Weiterlesen