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Für Patienten, die an saisonaler allergischer Rhinitis leiden, kann die Behandlung mit Akupunktur zu einer deutlichen Verbesserung der allergiebezogenen Lebensqualität führen. Sie kann zudem den Bedarf an Antihistaminika reduzieren, verglichen einerseits mit Sham Akupunktur, andererseits mit Cetirizineinnahme. In einer randomisierten Multi-Center Untersuchung teilten deutsche Forscher 422 Patienten mit saisonaler allergischer Rhinitis in drei Gruppen ein. Die eine Gruppe erhielt Verum-Akupunktur plus Cetirizin, die andere Sham Akupunktur...
Nicht nur allergiespezifische Symptome, sondern auch die Häufigkeit und Dauer der Einnahme von Medikamenten mit antiallergischer Wirkung lässt sich durch regelmäßige Akupunkturbehandlungen während der Heuschnupfensaison reduzieren, so das Ergebnis einer Sekundäranalyse im Rahmen einer Studie. Für die meisten Heuschnupfenpatienten beginnt mit der zu Frühlingsbeginn einsetzenden Blüte eine leidvolle Zeit mit zum Teil stark eingeschränkter Lebensqualität. Angesichts allergischer Symptome wie Fließschnupfen, Niesen, Juckreiz und erschwerter Atmung,...
J. Hummelsberger2, M. Wullinger2, M. Ortiz1, F. Pfab3,4,6, D.Irnich5,6, B. Hauswald6, J. Gleditsch6, C.-H. Hempen2, S. Binting1, B. Brinkhaus1 Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: In der DFG-geförderten ACUpuncture in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (ACUSAR) Studie bei Patienten mit allergischer Rhinitis war Akupunktur wirksamer im Vergleich zu Sham-Akupunktur und zu einer Kontrollgruppe, die nur Bedarfsmedikation erhielt. In diesem Artikel werden die Studienintervention, die zugrunde liegenden theoretischen Überlegungen der Chinesischen Medizin...
Quelle (22 JANUARY 2015): http://www.healthcmi.com Acupuncture relieves sinus problems due to allergies. Research published in the American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy incorporates a meta-analysis of high quality allergy related studies comparing groups receiving acupuncture versus control groups. The researchers documented that acupuncture “produced significantly greater diminution of nasal symptoms” in the acupuncture group. They add, “Our meta-analysis showed that (the) acupuncture group has superior effect(s) in...
Quelle (07 APRIL 2018): http://www.healthcmi.com Researchers find acupuncture effective for relieving allergic asthma, a type of asthma triggered by allergens (e.g., dust mites, mold, pollen, foods). Symptoms include wheezing, difficulty breathing, itchy eyes, sinusitis, rhinitis, a general feeling of malaise, and sneezing. In a randomized controlled trial of 1,445 patients, acupuncture provided lasting relief for six months. Acupuncture was provided for a maximum of 15...
For sufferers of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR), acupuncture treatment can lead to a modest improvement in disease-specific quality of life and can reduce antihistamine use, compared with either sham acupuncture or the medication cetrizine. In a multi-centre randomised trial, German researchers randomised 422 people with SAR to receive acupuncture plus cetirizine, sham (minimal needling) acupuncture plus cetrizine, or cetrizine alone. Twelve treatments were provided over...
Acupuncture can significantly reduce itching in patients with atopic eczema. A German study has investigated the effect of acupuncture on type I hypersensitivity itch and skin reaction in a crossover RCT. An allergen stimulus was applied to the skin of 30 patients with atopic eczema before (direct approach) and after (preventive approach) the following treatments: acupuncture at Quchi L.I.-11 and Xuehai SP-10 (verum acupuncture, VA),...
A German pilot study suggests that acupuncture may have a comparable effect to anti-histamine drugs in patients allergic to house dust mites. Twenty-four patients suffering from persistent allergic rhinitis induced by house dust mites were treated either with acupuncture (using a combination of facial ear and body points) or with the drug loratadine. Both treatments were effective in terms of the patients‘ subjective assessments, but...
Quelle (17 NOVEMBER 2017): http://www.healthcmi.com Researchers conclude that acupuncture benefits the immune system. In a controlled laboratory experiment, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine researchers discovered that electroacupuncture stimulation of acupuncture point ST36 (Zusanli) “enhanced the level of immune cytokines and splenic CD4+ T cells through TRPV channels.” [1] In addition, the researchers document that electroacupuncture applied to ST36 enhances serum interferon-γ (IFN-γ) levels, interleukin (IL)-2,...
German investigators have recorded objective measures of improvement in nasal congestion following acupuncture. Twenty-four patients with a history of nasal congestion were diagnosed according to the Heidelberg model of TCM. They were treated using either specific verum acupoints according to TCM diagnosis, or nonspecific control acupoints. Subjective (VAS – nasal congestion measured on a visual analog scale) and objective (NAF – nasal airflow measured using...
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