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Effect of Ear Acupuncture plus Dry Cupping on Activities and Quality of Life in the Adults with Chronic Back Pain: a Randomized Trial


Chronic pain is a complex phenomenon that brings physical and emotional impairments negatively impacting people’s quality of life. The adoption of interventions such as ear acupuncture and dry cupping can represent a treatment option for people with chronic back pain.

To investigate the effects of ear acupuncture combined with dry cupping therapy on the interference of pain with the daily activities and quality of life of adults with chronic back pain.

An open-label, randomized, parallel-group controlled clinical trial. One hundred and ninety-eight adults were randomized into control (CG – ear acupuncture) or experimental (EG – ear acupuncture combined with dry cupping) groups. Interventions were performed in five sessions, once a week, lasting five weeks. Evaluations were performed before the first session, after the last session, and seven days after the second evaluation, using the Brief Pain Inventory to assess the impact of pain on daily activities and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) to assess the quality of life.

Between the initial and final sessions, there were significant changes in daily activities, activity, work, mood, relationships, sleep, and in the physical, psychological and social relationships domains for both the control and experimental groups. Improved perception of quality of life and satisfaction with health were observed for the participants in the experimental group.

Ear acupuncture combined with dry cupping showed better results in terms of perception of quality of life and satisfaction with health when compared to ear acupuncture by itself.

Caroline de Castro Moura, Erika de Cássia Lopes Chaves, Denismar Alves Nogueira, Denise Hollanda Iunes, Cissa Azevedo, Hérica Pinheiro Corrêa, Gabriela Aparecida Pereira, Higor Magalhães Silvano, Tamara Goncalves Rezende Macieira, Tânia Couto Machado Chianca

J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2022 Apr 30;15(2):130-142. doi: 10.51507/j.jams.2022.15.2.130.

Link: https://www.journal-jams.org/journal/view.html?doi=10.51507/j.jams.2022.15.2.130

Ohr: Shenmen, Niere, Sympathikus, Subcortex, Blase, Leber, Hals-/Brust-/Lendenwirbelsäule
Schröpfen: Gb 21, Gb 30, Le 8, Bl 10, Bl 11, Bl 12, Bl 17, Bl 21, Bl 23, Bl 24, Bl 25