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Immune Modulation and Treatment of Human Papilloma Virus-Related Warts with Energetics of Living Systems Acupuncture


Background: Cutaneous warts are small skin lesions formed as ar esult of infection by the human papilloma virus (HPV). In the lesion, viral manipulation creates a microenvironment that favors virus survival and reproduction. Most lesions eventually regress, probably as a result of a Th1-mediated immune response. However, some warts fail to regress and become persistent.

 Objective: The efficacy of treatment of persistent HPV-caused warts with Energetics of Living Systems acupuncture and monitored immune system involvement was tested. Methods: Eighteen patients with persistent warts were recruited for the study; 9 received acupuncture treatment and 9 received placebo. Each patient was treated 4 times.

Results: Clinical success was defined as total clearance of all lesions with no recurrence for 3 months. In the treatment group, clinical success was 36.6% versus 0% in the placebo group. In the treatment group, the level of interleukin (IL)–10 decreased. In a comparison of patients with cleared warts and overall patients with nonresponding warts, different expression levels of IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor–a, IL-6, and interferon-c were found, although these differences were not always statistically significant. Trends of differences (not significant) were observed in leukocyte levels. Acupuncture eliminated persistent warts in some of the patients, along with inducing changes in immunologic parameters.

Conclusions: Taking the clinical and immunologic outcomes together, clearance of persistent warts following acupuncture might be due to a shift toward a Th1 immune response, or an anti-inflammatory effect against the lesion-induced microenvironment.

Acupuncture and placebo groups received four 30minutes treatment sessions, given at 1-week intervals.

Acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture was performed with the use of 25/30-mm, steel-shaft copper-handled needles (Best), at a transverse angle of insertion of *15°. Acupuncture points SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), LR 13 (Zhang Men or Zhangmen), LU 6 (Kongzui), ST 36 (Zusanli), LI 10 (Shousanli), GV 3 (Yao Yang Guan), and CV 12 (Zhong Wan) were treated bilaterally). This formula of points is the ELS method of reseating the Tai Yin system that, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, controls immunologic and skin functions.

Placebo treatment. The placebo treatment was performed on the participant’s back at seven points in the central trunk while the participant was lying on his/her stomach, unable to see the treatment. An acupuncture needle was used to create a prick sensation, but no needle was actually inserted Treatment efficacy. Clinical efficacy of the treatment orplaceboacupuncturewasevaluatedbyadermatologist*1 week after the last session. Final efficacy was determined 3 months after the last session by telephone follow-up.

Studienautoren: Rom Brustin, MSc, 1 Martine Toledano, MD, 2 Tal Geffen, PhD, 3 Raia Goona, RN, MA, 2 Malka Hochberg, PhD, 2 Bilha Kreisberg, RN, MA, 2 Sari Murad, MD, 2 and Jacob Pitcovski, PhD1

Quelle: MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE Volume 29, Number 3, 2017 # Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/acu.2017.1225