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A study carried out in Bergen, Norway has demonstrated the value of acupuncture in preventing urinary tract infections in women who are especially prone to repeated recurrences. 67 such women (3 or more attacks in the past 12 months) were randomly divided into an acupuncture group, a sham acupuncture group and a control (no treatment). Acupuncture was given twice a week for 4 weeks mainly at Zhongji REN-3, Shenshu BL-23, Pangguangshu BL-28, Taixi KID-3, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Yinlingquan SP-9 and Xingjian LIV-2 or Taichong LIV-3 according to differentiation. Sham acupuncture was given superficially in the thighs, calves or abdomen outside known points or channels and the needles were not manipulated. Over a 6-month observation period, 86% of the acupuncture group were free of lower urinary tract infections, compared to 58% in the sham group and 36% in the control. (Acupuncture in the prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infection in adult women, Audun Aune, Terje Alraek, Huo LiHua and Anders Baerheim, Scand J Prim Health Care 1998; 16).

Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk