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Acupuncture reduces eye pressure in glaucoma

Acupuncture appears to benefit glaucoma patients by decreasing intraocular pressure (IOP) and improving blood circulation behind the eye. In the first study of its type, Japanese researchers enrolled eleven patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG) and measured eye haemodynamics before, during and after either acupuncture or rest. Acupuncture was performed once, for 15 minutes, without needle manipulation, at bilateral Zanzhu BL-2, Taiyang M-HN-9, Sibai ST-2, Zusanli ST-36, Sanyinjiao SP-6, Taixi KID-3, Taichong LIV-3, Fengchi GB-20, Ganshu BL-18 and Shenshu BL-23. All patients continued to take their medication. The researchers found that IOP decreased significantly after acupuncture. Acupuncture also resulted in decreased resistance in blood vessels behind the eye, specifically ophthalmic and short posterior ciliary arteries. (Short-term effects of acupuncture on open-angle glaucoma in retrobulbar circulation: additional therapy to standard. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:157090. Epub 2011 Mar 7).

Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk