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Ear acupuncture reduces acute migraine pain in children

Auricular acupuncture (AA) may be useful in the treatment of paediatric migraines in the emergency department (ED), according to preliminary research from the USA. In a prospective cohort study, 19 paediatric patients presenting with active migraines received a single AA treatment using semi-permanent needles inserted at a maximum of three acupoints located according to electrical resistance or pressure along two auricular migraine lines. Fifteen minutes after the treatment all subjects reported improvement or resolution of migraine, with a clinically and statistically significant mean reduction in pain of seven points on a ten point scale.

Auricular Acupuncture for the Treatment of Pediatric Migraines in the Emergency Department. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2016 May 2.

Quelle: www.jcm.co.uk