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Efficacy and safety of TCM Yangxin Anshen Therapy for insomnia A systematic review and meta-analysis

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has gradually drawn the attention of clinicians as an alternative choice for insomniacs and TCM Yangxin Anshen Therapy (TYAT) is a crucial therapy of treating insomniacs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of TYAT for insomnia. 

Seven electronic databases were searched from inception to July 2019. Two authors independently identified Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), extracted data and assessed risk of bias by Cochrane risk bias assessment tool. Comprehensive meta-analysis was conducted with the Review Manager for eligible and appropriate studies. 

Fourteen trials (1549 participants) were finally included in this study. The included studies were of moderate-to-high quality. Twelve trials reported the specific methods of random sequence generation, and 4 of them used the allocation concealment. Blinding of participants and personnel were used in 7 studies, and blinding of outcome assessment was performed in 3 studies. The main meta-analysis showed: CONCLUSION:: TYAT is an effective alternative therapy for insomnia, and its clinical application appears safe. The conclusions of this paper have a certain reference value for further research and clinical practice. 

Authors: Feizhou Li, Bo Xu, Heyuan Shi, Tong Zhang, Ziyu Song, Yanhua Chen, Ling Liu, Ping Wang

Published in: Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Feb;99(8):e19330. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000019330.

Quelle: https://journals.lww.com/md-journal/FullText/2020/02210/Efficacy_and_safety_of_TCM_Yangxin_Anshen_Therapy.83.aspx

Kommentar: TCM Yanxin Anshen Therapy umfasst mehrere Therapiestrategien mit dem Ziel den Geist zu beruhigen und das Herz zu nähren. Im frei verfügbaren Artikel findet man die genaue Auflistung aller verwendeten Rezepturen inkl. Dosierungen. Die drei häufigsten verschriebenen Kräuter sind: Semen Ziziphi Spinosae (Suan Zao Ren), Radix Polygalae (Yuan Zhi) und Caulis Polygoni Multiflori (Ye Jiao Teng).